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The FOCUS Framework Masterclass

Ready to Move from CHAOS to FOCUS and FREEDOM?

Join the FREE Masterclass unlocking the 5 step blueprint transforming chaos into FOCUS for corporate ADHD Leaders

What causes executive dysfunction and talk quick strategies to get your brain back in the game

We’ll talk about the power of habits so that you can stay organised longer

We’ll uncover strategies to build resilience and self-belief


You're ready to thrive at work overwhelm-free
You want to easily activate your thoughts and execute your actions
You know you’re ready to play bigger and have your true value seen by your network
Photo of Julie introducing Managing and understanding ADHD

I know the struggle of ADHD in the workplace. Believe me when I say you're not alone.

With an ADHD brain, it’s hard to maintain FOCUS in a neurotypical way, especially when we are comparing ourselves to neuronormative standards.

In fact, many professionals with ADHD struggle with feeling overwhelmed and fatigue and find it hard to really access their great thinking in the times they need it most.

The great news is this… You don’t have to struggle - you just need to know.
In this masterclass, I’ll show you how to work with your ADHD brain and create the right strategies to help you thrive, on your own terms. 
Ready to turn the chaos into focus? !



Join me for a 1-hour virtual masterclass where I’ll take you through my FOCUS Framework to help you better understand how you can move from CHAOS to FREEDOM.

Your Host

Julie Cockerill

Julie is the CEO of Lemon Co and a proud ADHDer.  

In her business,  Julie is an Executive Leadership Coach, with a focus on middle to senior level professionals and a transformational HR Consultant.  She utilise’s her 30 years of corporate leadership knowledge plus an extensive expertise in positive psychology, strengths, EQ, wellbeing and neuroscience to support clients.

Julie works with coaching clients to help them focus on stepping into their power, preventing burnout, enhancing wellbeing, and navigating ADHD in organisations.

Julie has developed this Masterclass to help normalise the challenges that ADHDers face and demystify the strategies required to build understanding, resilience, and self belief.

Meet Julie - an ADHD coach
Meet Julie - an ADHD coach
Live Masterclass Details

When: 30th April 2024

Time: 11:30am (AEST - Sydney time)

Length: 60 minutes VIA Zoom

YES it will be recorded.


Once you register, you’ll receive an email with your Zoom details and a calendar invite.

Watch this video:
So many ADHDers keep their greatness hidden because they’ve lost confidence and self-belief. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. 
Who's this masterclass for?
Don't let executive dysfunction and burnout hold you back from reaching your full potential.
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